Andersen Full Stainless Steel Compact Variable Speed Electric Above Deck Winches

Mounting of an Above Deck Compact Motor™ winch on a vertical surface is not recommended, as it increases exposure to potential problems of excessive moisture and water ingress which could lead to damage not covered by warranty. The motor/gearbox unit of any Above Deck Compact Motor™ Electric Winch is more exposed to the elements than a below deck installation which keeps the motor unit and gearbox more protected. It is important to take reasonable precautions to protect the unit from unnecessary exposure, and carry out regular seasonal maintenance including the lubrication of the motor shaft seal. This is just good seamanship. On commercial and military vessels, it is common to see exposed equipment with electric motors and gearboxes fitted with covers when not in use or to protect them from heavy spray, etc. Equipment on yachts deserves the same proper care.